Our History

On June 16, 1955, the Reverend Richard Buckingham was appointed to be pastor of Belmont United Methodist Church, a new church of the Richmond District established by vote of the Virginia Annual Conference. This was the official beginning of the congregation which has come about after need for a new church in the Cedar Farms area was recognized. At the time of Rev. Buckingham’s appointment, 48 person had indicated a readiness to found the new church with another 30 awaiting the actual appointment of a pastor.

The movement toward establishing the congregation began three months earlier. On March 9, 1955, eleven persons met at the home of Mr. Wells to discuss the matter. Initial arrangement was made to meet in the New Broad Rock school. The church’s first offering on April 13, 1955 amounted to $10.86, $5.00 paid the school rental fee. Things moved rapidly as the New Church Committee sought land and a parsonage in preparation for the new pastor. In May of that same year, the Richmond District Board of Missions purchased a lot for the future construction of the church building. By June 16, a house was rented at 6608 Cottrell Road which would serve as the parsonage.

Sunday, June 19, 1955 was the date of the first worship service held on the lot (our present church site) using 50 folding chairs borrowed from Bliley’s Funeral Home, and an organ from Walter D. Moses. Rev. Buckingham moved in on June 23, 1955, conference moving day, and thereafter services were held in the basement of the parsonage until a building could be constructed.

Belmont was a new church plant that has continued to grow and be a vital part of the surrounding community. The church building has expanded over the years. The diverse congregation is known as a loving, welcoming group of people who love Jesus and want to make a difference in the Broad Rock area and beyond.

Belmont United Methodist Church has been a part of the Broad Rock community since 1955.  For 60 years we have sought to love God and love our neighbors in everything we are and do.

God has built us up with a reputation for being a place where people can find a warm welcome, ongoing support and special help in times of need.

Our life revolves around vital worship, Christian love and a heart to be spiritual friends with all children of God.